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8 Awesome Sober Activities for a Fun Time Out While in Recovery

Summer provides the perfect backdrop to use your imagination and find great new hobbies and activities to enjoy. Maintaining your sobriety during the summer months requires continuing the efforts that have brought you this far. This could mean continuing outpatient treatments like therapy. In this article, we’re going to share with you plenty of summertime activities that you can enjoy during recovery that are not only sobriety-friendly, but fun. Find a sober friend to go to the gym with you, play basketball, or enjoy some tennis. You can also hike together or explore new places you have never been to.

Stay up late or plan to wake up super early to chat with them and catch up. This is something you can do solo or with friends (even virtually!), and what you make is up to you. Giving yourself something to do with your hands is a helpful deterrent for habitual sipping. Go to a playground and rediscover your favorite youthful pastimes like swinging and hanging on the monkey bars (just don’t steal the slide from the kiddos, okay?). Or, skip the food altogether and host a coffee or tea cupping.

Catch a show, play, or concert at the theater.

Hike a nearby park or preserve, or hit the local trails for a bike ride. Do yoga in the park, or rent a kayak or rowboat at the lake. Run a 5k, rent a scooter and tool around, or go rollerskating sober activities boston or ice skating. If you like your sports extreme, head to the nearest climbing wall, trampoline center, zip line, sledding hill, ropes course, skateboard park or bungee jump.

Making the next big step in your recovery is very significant, and deciding which sober living home is right for you is no different. Your questions or concerns are of the utmost importance to us. We strive for the quickest response time possible and know the urgency for you to find answers. Immerse yourself in activities that bring joy and keep your thoughts away from alcohol or drugs. Hobbies, volunteering, or work can be perfect for this. Overcoming addiction is a challenge, perhaps the biggest one you’ll face in your lifetime.

Recovery Stories

Sometimes one of the best ways to get out of your head is to seek out an adrenaline rush. Roller Coasters and other amusement park rides are a great way to get a thrill without any substances needed. If you’re looking for something slightly more tame, you can go out laser tagging, arcading, indoor skydiving, zip lining, or dancing at a silent disco. These activities are a great way to release stress and get your endorphins pumping. Movies are always fun and can take you somewhere else if you want an escape.

Start simple so you have non-alcoholic options to order at the bar. Look for jazz cafés, open mic nights, or community bands playing. Many cities and towns will have live music in public spaces, especially during the warmer months. Or craft an elaborate snacking spread full of your favorite fruits and cheeses (if that’s your thing) and watch a game at home with your friends.

How to Tell Someone You Have an Addiction

Grow a garden, or if you don’t have a place to grow your own plants, join a community garden. If you like to relax on the couch, host a movie festival, or binge-watch Netflix with some snacks and like-minded people. Or just sit around on the porch or patio and enjoy conversing with good friends. If you find cooking relaxing, whip up a grand feast, or bake up a storm. Head to a sauna or spa, get a massage, or hole up at your favorite coffee house and read a good book. For many people, redefining fun is one of the hardest parts of recovery, because previous definitions of fun involved using.

  • Join a knitting circle, and knit a sweater or crochet a blanket.
  • In active addiction, drugs and alcohol give a false sense of relief and numb you of your emotions.
  • Schedule a spa day, class, or outing based on what deals you can find.
  • These can be great opportunities to socialize with others who share your interests.

Treat your dog (or your cat, gerbil, snake, etc.) to a spa day of their own. If they don’t love baths, follow it up with all the treats. Check out these tips from You don’t need to join your local CrossFit gym. Let’s say you’ve always wanted to try rock climbing. Waking up without a hangover makes that a lot easier.

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